Neuro Linguistic Programing

NLP focuses on how our thoughts influence our behavior and how our brains interpret the information they receive. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Thoughts Affect Behavior: NLP acknowledges that our thoughts have a significant impact on our actions and behaviors. It recognizes the connection between our mental processes and the way we behave in various situations.
  2. Interpretation of Signals: NLP delves into how our brains interpret the signals and information they receive from the external world. It emphasizes that our perception of events is subjective and can be influenced by our mental processes.
  3. Language and Communication: The “linguistic” aspect of NLP highlights the role of language and communication in shaping our thoughts and emotions. It explores how the words we use, both internally (self-talk) and externally (communication with others), can impact our mental state.
  4. Control Over Thoughts and Emotions: NLP techniques are designed to help individuals gain greater control over their thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It empowers people to actively manage their mental processes rather than being passive recipients of their experiences.

In essence, NLP provides tools and strategies to understand and modify the way we think and communicate, with the goal of improving our behavior and achieving desired outcomes.

Unlocking Your Full Potential: The Benefits of Working with a Life Coach

In the pursuit of personal and professional growth, many individuals find themselves seeking guidance and support to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. One avenue gaining popularity in recent years is working with a life coach. Life coaching is a collaborative partnership that empowers individuals to identify their strengths, set meaningful goals, and take actionable steps towards a more fulfilling life. In this blog, we will explore the numerous benefits of working with a life coach and how this partnership can transform your life.

  1. Clarity and Goal Setting

One of the primary benefits of working with a life coach is gaining clarity about your life’s direction and setting meaningful goals. Life coaches help you articulate your aspirations and values, allowing you to create a clear roadmap for the future. By defining your objectives and breaking them down into manageable steps, you become more focused and motivated to achieve your dreams.

  1. Accountability and Motivation

Life coaches serve as an accountability partner who keeps you on track toward your goals. Regular coaching sessions provide an opportunity to review progress, celebrate successes, and discuss challenges. This accountability fosters motivation and encourages you to stay committed, even when facing setbacks.

  1. Improved Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is a key component of personal growth. Life coaches help you explore your strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs, allowing you to better understand yourself. This heightened self-awareness enables you to make more informed decisions and navigate life’s challenges with confidence.

  1. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills

Life coaching equips you with effective problem-solving skills. Coaches help you analyze obstacles and explore various solutions, empowering you to overcome challenges efficiently. This skill set extends beyond coaching sessions and becomes a valuable asset in all areas of life.

  1. Increased Confidence and Resilience

As you work with a life coach and achieve your goals, your confidence naturally grows. You develop a belief in your abilities and resilience in the face of adversity. Life coaching helps you build the mental fortitude needed to tackle life’s challenges head-on.

  1. Improved Work-Life Balance

Balancing work, personal life, and self-care can be a daunting task. Life coaches assist you in creating a sustainable work-life balance that aligns with your priorities. This ensures that you not only achieve professional success but also maintain a fulfilling personal life.

  1. Better Communication and Relationship Skills

Life coaching often addresses interpersonal skills, enhancing your ability to communicate effectively and build healthier relationships. This newfound skill set can positively impact your personal and professional interactions, leading to improved collaboration and understanding.

  1. Stress Reduction

Stress and overwhelm can hinder personal growth. Life coaches provide tools and strategies to manage stress effectively, promoting mental and emotional well-being. This, in turn, allows you to focus your energy on your goals and aspirations.

  1. Customized Approach

Life coaching is a highly personalized process. Coaches tailor their approach to meet your unique needs and circumstances. This customization ensures that you receive guidance and support that aligns with your specific goals and challenges.


Working with a life coach can be a transformative experience that empowers you to unleash your full potential. The benefits of gaining clarity, setting goals, improving self-awareness, and building valuable skills extend far beyond the coaching relationship. Whether you’re striving for personal growth, career advancement, or a more balanced life, a life coach can be your ally on the journey to success and fulfillment. So, consider taking the step to invest in yourself and unlock the doors to a brighter future with the guidance of a life coach.

Have you started yet?

A while back I asked what was one thing you wanted to begin but for whatever reason you have not yet begun.  Have you started yet?  If not, why not begin now, today?
Take care your your health.
Start an exercise program, go for a walk.  Study a new language.  Meditate.  Start better eating habits.
Take care cropped-4-winds-logo-green-1.jpgof you so you can continue to be there for everyone else.
I have been busy with telemedicine appointments and I know many people are highly stressed right now.
Before things become too extreme, get care.  I am open for appointments and there is so much we can do to help deal with the stress and anxiety of our current situation.  Remember to take a few minutes out for yourself everyday.
Breath, Rest, Reset.
Telemedicine can offer you accupressure, tapping therapy, self massage, breath work, yoga, essential oil advice, herbal/vitamin/nutritional reccomendations, health coaching,  hypnotherapy.  There are many options.
Telemedicine is billable through insurance and co pays are currently waived.
Cash price is reduced right now due to Covid-19.
Call 407.654.8700

Covid 19(Coronavirus) Guidance.

Covid 19(Coronavirus) Guidance.

~Self monitor for fever, cough, or other respiratory symptoms for 14 days.
~Avoid contact with sick people.
~Delay any additional travel plans until no longer sick.
~Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.  Use hand sanitizer. ~Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing. Throw the tissue in the trash when finished.
​Download the Florida Dept. of Health Covid 19 Self screening tool on the Tele-medicine page.

What is Covid 19(Coronavirus)?
Coronavirus is a combination of viruses that can spread from human to human.  It was first identified in Wuhan China, Dec. 2019.

How is Covid 19(Coronavirus) spread?
This virus is spread through close contact, usually less then 6 feet from the respiratory droplets of an ifected person’s coughs or sneezes.  It may also spread by touching the surface of an object that may have the virus on it then touching one’s own mouth, nose or eyes.

How long does Covid 19(Coronavirus) last?
In general about 14 days.

What to do if I get Covid 19(Coronavirus)?
Stay home and rest.  Avoid spreading it to others.  Unless complications arise it should pass in about 2 weeks.
Call your doctor for guidance.

Who is most at risk for Covid 19(Coronavirus)?
Those most at risk are small children, the elderly and those who already are immune compromised.

If you’re ready to find out how to boost your immune system and take charge of your health, let’s get started.
Click here.
30 min. Free phone consultation.
Please feel free to call or text me with any questions or concerns.  I will do my best to answer you as soon as possible.

We can now bill insurance for Tele-medicine.

Mee 3.2020

visit website 4 Winds Medicine


Mee 3.2020As the world around us changes as we know it, the most important thing still remains our health. I know it has been quite a while.   In order to shift with the changing times to continue serving you with the best treatments and care, I am now taking bookings for virtual sessions.

During these sessions, we will move through a treatment together over a live video call utilizing the power of acupressure. We will cater the rest of the session to your needs which could include an herbal prescription, yoga, tapping therapy, deep breathing, meditation, nutritional guidance, or simply connecting in a supportive conversation.

Not only are these treatments effective for continued care during a time of isolation, but they are also extremely valuable to those who are sick (including COVID-19) or have pressing matters in need of treatment with no access to Western medicine.  I also offer Hypnotherapy at a separate discounted fee.

Please keep this in mind for your friends, family, and community. I am here as a stable source for your health and well being during this uncertain time.

Now more than ever we need to prioritize our health and healing..

We are able to bill your insurance as well.

Please let me know if you have any questions or to book your session.

Stay safe. I’m here for you.

With care,



Visit website:  4 Winds Medicine

Olympians Who Receive Acupuncture How and Why

Olympics Swimming


It has been shown that acupuncture can help the body in many ways. From repairing the digestive system to boosting Qi, enhancing athletic performance to mending strains and sprains, acupuncture has many uses and most of these uses are beneficial for professional athletes.

As the Olympics in Rio get closer and closer with each passing day athletes are beginning to fine tune their bodies for the upcoming events. Every athlete wants to be at their top performance level as they put everything on the line for their country. Acupuncture is one key some Olympians use to achieve that extra competitive edge and get their physical and mental aspects ready for the games. Some of the biggest names on the Olympic stage are making acupuncture part of their health regimen.

In 2012, during the London Olympics, acupuncture was widely acknowledged in the Olympic community as an extremely beneficial solution to guaranteeing a higher level of athletic performance. Since London, more and more Olympic athletes have been turning to the needle to and have been receiving excellent results.

Wang Qun, an Olympic swimmer for the Chinese team has been known to perform in events with cupping marks still present on her skin. Cupping is a form of traditional Chinese medicine, which involves applying heated glass cups to the skin to encourage smooth energy flow; it stimulates your Qi as the cups are placed along the meridian lines of your body. In addition to Qun, other members of the Chinese Olympic Team use acupuncture, most notably being windsurfer Yin Jian, a gold medalist in the 2008 Olympics. Jian attributed nightly acupuncture with helping her achieve success and curing the muscle strains she experienced on a daily basis.

Acupuncture isn’t solely practiced by the Chinese Olympic Team. This form of traditional Chinese medicine has made its way to Olympians from the U.S. and Canada as well. Bronze medalist and track-athlete Dee Dee Trotter used daily visits from her local acupuncturist to help her unlock the potential needed to win third place in the 400-meter run at the London Olympic Games.

Mark McMorris, a Canadian snowboarder, upped his game with acupuncture before his bronze-medal finish at the Sochi Olympics. After injuring his body during the X games weeks prior to the Olympics, McMorris began to attend acupuncture sessions to recalibrate his body, and by the results shown, we know it worked. McMorris went on to perform outstandingly in the Slopestyle event and brought back the bronze medal for the Canadian Olympic Team.

See, acupuncture is beneficial in many ways. Although you may be hesitant to stray away from the trusted and commonplace forms of Western medicine, you should really consider giving acupuncture a try. If it wasn’t enough that one in every 10 U.S. adults have tried acupuncture, just consider the facts, even the pros are doing it to recover, enhance and overall better their body.